Solid Iron Stair railings
These solid iron stair railings are simply stunning, Made in transitional ornamental design they compliment the main style of the home entrance. We were asked to build a highlight for the interior using all modern style features. Also, we combined art-deco style with minimalistic black color and smooth rounded shapes. As a result, we got a transitional railing that serves as a safe and aesthetic object. Strict black colors and simple lines we compliment by adding welded flowers. They have some different colors and figured parts. Altogether it gives a perfect composition of only two colors.
Also, as we can see in those solid iron stair railings all banisters are symmetric and smoothly flow one into another. It gives a feeling o lightness and endlessness of this decoration element. To enhance contrast we add wood handrails in the same pallette as the floor. You can view our other black metal railings for home here:
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