
Custom restaurant furniture

Unique custom restaurant furniture designed by Craig Shillitto. Engineered, manufactured and installed by HMH Architecture Metal and Glass. We did for Faubourg Montclair in Bloomfield, NJ. Custom-made staircase railings, balcony railing, glass doors, windows, folding doors, light fixtures and brass cabinets for wine bottles. Also, we created a grilles and brass shelves for bar stand. We have been enjoying this job as long as we’ve applied all our creativity and originality to produce unique and beautiful interior design elements. These details combine in one art-picture that impress restaurants customers. As a result, people love to make photo shoots and life events here. The set of custom restaurant furniture is made of brass, steel, blackened iron. Is brings additional highlight and uniqueness to the interior. By the way, you can view our other works for HoReCa here.

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